Our Origin

Mrs. Leelatai Moolgaonkar
Under the able guidance of our visionary mentor Mrs. Leelatai Moolgaonkar, Grihini was established in 1973 by seven women.
Grihini employees relatives of Tata Motors and disadvantaged women from the local community and imparts training on various skills and makes them employable for a respectable job. Grihini aims at providing sustainable livelihoods and economic independence to its employees.
Being a true epitome of a cooperative welfare society, a profit sharing philosophy and collective decision making is followed. The arms of Grihini extend far into the local community of women in Pune.
The employees don’t just get the benefits of a basic salary but enjoy work life balance as well as various employee benefits.
Under the stable leadership and support of Tata Motors, today Grihini has transformed from manufacturing household consumer products to intricate wiring and hi-tech automotive electronic Products.